Workshop B: Refiguring Technologies in Multimodal Communication: Ways to Improve Engagement and Learning

Rebecca Burnett, Georgia Institute of Technology
Session Description: Begin with two foundational premises: communication is both rhetorical and multimodal (Ball; Kress and Van Leeuwen; Selfe). Then consider the “social and material spaces” (Meeks): students and their wireless laptops are part of a complex and not necessarily learner- friendly “information ecology” (Nardi and O’Day). Finally, increase the social, psychological, and cognitive engagement of undergraduate students who move back and forth between the pedagogy of childhood and the andragogy of adulthood (Hiemstra and Sisco; Knowles; Zuckerman-Parker).

These factors form a backdrop for the workshop to focus on three areas:
  • Analysis of innovative multimodal assignments and assignment sequences used in conventional, lab, and laptop classrooms
  • Rhetorical integration of written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal communication
  • Curricular changes that incorporate andragogy into undergraduate pedagogy, especially student responsibilities in planning, managing, and assessing problem-based projects

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